Nightlife Iberoamérica

Asociación Iberoamericana de Industrias Nocturnas

Day of


Happy day to those who turn each drink into an unforgettable experience!

Mixing passions, serving smiles. 🍸🍹

Events Nightlife Iberoamérica

Night Time Economy Summit

We were present with Nightlife Iberoamérica in Manchester, UK along with 1000 people from the nightlife and related industries of the planet.

Nightlife Sessions Vol 1

We will be present with Nightlife Iberoamérica in Madrid, 15 Speakers, 7 Countries in 1 Single Night

Check the complete agenda at:


We are Nightlife Iberoamérica, the association of nightlife industries where we promote a safe, inclusive and sustainable nighttime environment for the entire industry of our member countries, where cultural diversity, the meaning of its operation, the dignity of its work and innovation are valued and The comprehensive development of the night entertainment industry in the region is promoted.

Our History

The association of night industries that unites us.

We were born on November 22, 2023, at the Congress specialized in the nighttime economy and the entertainment industry in Colombia, EXPOBAR 2023 with an Agreement of Wills of the Associations, unions and sectoral leaders of the nighttime industries present there as:

Asociación Mexicana de Bares, Discotecas y Centros Nocturnos | AMBADIC

Federación de Entidades de Discotecas de la República Argentina | FEDRA

Asociación Colombiana de DJs | AsoDJs

Asociación de Negocios de Entretenimiento Nocturno de México | ANDEN

Federación de Cocineros y Reposteros de España | FACYRE

JM Cocktails – Bartenders | Venezuela

Consultora Linkers en Hostelería | España, Portugal y LATAM

Asociación de Bares de Colombia | ASOBARES

Fields of Action

Strengthening night industries and 24-hour cities; music, nightlife, shows, tourism and cultural sector transversally with a portfolio of initiatives, actions, campaigns and 360° strategies for their dignity, recognition, promotion, implementation, competitiveness and empowerment.

Night Industry
Value chain


22 countries, different times, one night!
Sustainability, diversity, culture and innovation


Exchange of good practices: The different Ibero-American regions (22 countries including Spain and Portugal with Latin America) have different approaches in terms of regulations, security, promotion and management of nightlife and industries that operate at night. Nightlife Iberoamérica will facilitate the exchange of successful experiences and lessons learned among members, benefiting all parties, sectors and actors.

Our joint work will be aimed at promoting a safe, inclusive and sustainable environment for the night industries in the member countries, where cultural diversity, the meaning of their operation, the dignity of their work and innovation are valued and the comprehensive development of the night entertainment industry in the region.

Do you want to join Nightlife Iberoamérica?

We will continue our expansion to the countries that make up Latin America, to the groups, unions and leaders that represent these nighttime industries.

We invite you to contact us and strengthen the night in our destinations together.